Highline Public Schools
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Digital and Media Literacy


Keeping Our Students Safe & Healthy Online


“Digital citizenship is the responsible use of technology to learn, create, and participate” -Common Sense Media

According to the state of Washington, digital citizenship includes the “norms of appropriate, responsible, and healthy behavior related to current technology use, including digital and media literacy, ethics, etiquette, and security. The term also includes the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, develop, produce, and interpret media, as well as internet safety and cyberbullying prevention and response.”

In Highline, this is included as part of our strategic plan goals around Digital & Media Literacy.

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In addition to students receiving instruction on digital and media literacy in the classroom, the following are some resources that families can use at home.

Media Balance & Well-being

Technology has become an important part of students’ lives. When used with balance and purpose, it can be a powerful learning tool. When used too much, there can be harmful effects for our children. 

Social Media

Social Media has become a way for children to connect with people in the face of the pandemic. It can be a positive space for kids to connect and socialize with their friends. It can also be a space for cyberbullying or it can create opportunities for children to be taken advantage of.

Online Safety

Ensuring students’ online safety while maintaining the internet's benefits can be difficult when it comes to student data and privacy in today's digital environment. 

Caring for Your Device

A part of being a good digital citizen is taking care of your technology device. Good digital citizens keep devices safe, clean and working properly.