Standards-Based Grading
All schools in Highline use an instructional approach called standards-based grading (SBG) which measures your student's progress toward the learning goals for their grade level or course, as determined by the state of Washington.
Grading is not based on behavior or how long it takes to demonstrate learning. The grade is based on how close your student is to meeting the learning goals. It may take students the entire unit or course to meet a standard.
SBG Vocabulary
You will begin hearing three words a lot more as we implement SBG.
Standard Scoring Rubric
A rubric is a learning and assessment tool that states the expectations for assignments and performance tasks, with a scale for scoring the student’s level of mastery of the skills and knowledge required.
Teachers use a rubric to monitor your child’s learning of standards in each content area (math, literacy, science, etc.). Each rubric has four levels.
Elementary Rubric
The rubric provides families and students feedback on the student’s current learning and ways to progress. Students should use the rubric to set goals on what they need to do to move up to meeting a standard.
Middle & High Rubric
Middle & High Grading Scale
In ParentVue and StudentVue, the most recent scores for standards are averaged to generate a letter grade based on the scale below.
Assignment Types
Your child will demonstrate their learning through assignments, activities and assessments (tests). In the gradebook, you will see three types of assessments.
SBG Benefits
How to Support Students
Here are many ways families, parents and guardians can support students with their learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please review our Frequently Asked Questions web page for more information on this new instructional approach.
Bernard Koontz
Executive Director of Teaching, Learning & Leadership
Dr. Jana Parker
Executive Director of Teaching, Learning & Leadership