Capital Facilities Advisory Committee
Public schools belong to the entire community, and funding for capital improvements is generated though voter-approved bond measures.
It is essential community members help develop our long-term capital facilities plan so it reflects the values and priorities of the community.
In September 2015, Highline convened the Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) to develop recommendations for a long-term capital facilities plan. CFAC met monthly for a year to study facilities needs, review data and develop a plan designed to meet the needs of students over the next 20 years. The committee's work culminated in a bond measure on the November 2016 ballot and a working list of future priorities. Voters approved the 2016 bond with a yes vote of nearly 67 percent.
CFAC paused its meeting schedule during the first year of the Covid pandemic, and Highline pivoted to run a successful two-year technology levy, approved by voters at more than 74 percent. In the spring of 2022, CFAC reaffirmed 2019 recommendations for a Phase 2 school construction bond with a revised cost. Voters approved the 2022 bond (Phase 2) at an approval rate of 68.8 percent.
CFAC entered its eighth session of committee work in the 2024-26 school years to continue work over a two-year period on prioritizing our remaining 10 older school buildings, with the goal of proposing a next-phase school bond package to the school board by spring 2026.
What Has CFAC Accomplished?
CFAC is valued as a standing committee to advise district leaders on capital planning and boundary recommendations. CFAC also elects two members to sit on the Oversight Committee to review capital projects and bond spending in progress.
For more information on CFAC work:
CFAC 2024-26 | Community Recommendations for Future Facilities (Goal: Next Phase Bond Package Recommendation)
CFAC 2023-24 | Community Recommendations for Future Facilities (Priority List Review)
CFAC 2022-23 | Community Recommendations for Future Facilities (Priority List) - Continued
CFAC 2021-22 | Community Recommendations for Future Facilities (Priority List) - Continued
CFAC 2019-21 | Community Recommendations for Future Facilities (Priority List)
CFAC 2018-19 | Phase 2 Bond Recommendations & Long-Range Capital Facilities Planning
CFAC 2017-18 | Boundary Change Recommendations
CFAC 2015-16 | Phase 1 Bond Recommendations & Long-Range Capital Facilities Planning
How Are CFAC Members Chosen?
Municipalities, community organizations and staff labor organizations each appoint one member, plus each of our four comprehensive high schools each appoint one student, for about 20 appointees. The remaining 25+ members are community volunteers selected via lottery. Each session, we invite community members to enter their names in a lottery for open committee seats. We draw names from geographic service areas in our district to maintain balanced representation.
CFAC Contact Information
Rosie Eades
Communications Specialist
CFAC Co-Chairs:
Omaha Sternberg & Shane Stender