Family Action Committee
Families and schools working as partners to ensure every student graduates prepared for the future they choose.
Families working directly with the superintendent, bringing the family voice to district-level decision-making.
For the 2022-23 school year, this committee is charged with:
- Providing the superintendent and staff with strategies around effective family engagement practices.
- Providing input and feedback on school district policies and department strategies and practices.
- Holding the district accountable for strategic plan goals. District staff will report on specific metrics on a regular basis.
Committee Membership
The committee will be composed of up to 40 parents, guardians, and/or family members. To ensure the committee reflects the diverse population of Highline Public Schools, we will recruit family members who represent those who have traditionally been less involved in schools, including diversity in:
- Ethnicity
- Language
- Race
- Gender
- Sexual orientation
- Socio-economic status
- Type of family (single parent, foster care, kinship)
- Geographic locations (at least one rep from each service area)
- Student programs (general education, inclusive education, ELL, highly capable, alternative, homeless, Native American Ed, etc.)
- School level (at least one representative from each school level, preschool, elementary, middle and high)
Committee Member Qualifications
Must be a parent, family member or guardian of a Highline Public Schools student.
Committee Member Expectations
- Value and respect the diversity of Highline Public Schools.
- Work cooperatively and respectfully with committee members.
- Actively participate in Committee tasks.
- Term of Committee and Length of Term
- Committee Support and Structure
- Meetings
- Committee Member Responsibilities and Commitment
- Nomination/Appointment Process
Term of Committee and Length of Term
Committee Support and Structure
Committee Member Responsibilities and Commitment
Nomination/Appointment Process
Committee Accomplishments
- Co-developed the family engagement catalog
- Nationally recognized family engagement video produced by the FAC.
- Review and provide feedback on policies including equity, family engagement etc.
- Co-developed district’s family engagement survey and vision