Dual Language by Grade
What Is Dual Language?
Dual Language is a program where beginning in kindergarten, instruction is provided in English and a non-English language. In Highline, we offer Spanish- English and Vietnamese-English dual language starting in kindergarten, and continuing through high school.
Dual Language has three core goals for each and every student:
- Bilingualism and biliteracy
- High levels of academic achievement
- Socio-cultural competence
How Does it Work?
Students in Dual Language spend half their day learning in Spanish or Vietnamese, and half their day learning in English. Sometimes students have two teachers, sometimes they have one teacher.
- Literacy (Reading and Writing)
- Math
- Literacy (Reading and Writing)
- Social Studies • Science
- Literacy (Reading and Writing)
- Social Studies
- Science
By Grade
6 Stages of New Language Acquisition
It typically takes 7-10 years to become proficient in a new language. The following stages may help you understand the progression your child is undergoing while learning a new language.
- Pre-production – “silent period”
- Early Production - Short words and sentences
- Speech Emergent - Longer words and sentences familiar topics
- Beginning Fluency - Fairly fluent, minimal errors, gaps in vocabulary
- Intermediate Fluency - Fluent, few errors, some gaps in vocabulary
- Fluent in All Contexts - May still have accent, comfortable expressing self
Each child develops uniquely at their own rate. Please refer to the stages of language acquisition as a guide.
If you don’t speak Spanish orVietnamese...
- Ask your teacher about the progress your child is making across languages.
- Communication from teachers can come from phone calls emails, newsletters and conferences.
If you speak Vietnamese or Spanish at home...
- Speak to your child in your home language throughout their life to help them retain their multilingual skills
- Read and sing to your child in your home language
DID YOU KNOW? Students benefit from Dual Language most when enrolled for six years or more.
Benefits of Dual Language for ALL Students
- Learning language is good for the brain
- Higher academic achievement
- Economic opportunities
- Knowledge of and respect for other cultures & languages
- In high school, students can earn credits and the Seal of Biliteracy for knowledge of two languages
- Knowledge of more than one language can boost your child’s creative thinking and problem solving skills
Seal of Biliteracy
To earn the WA state Seal of Biliteracy students must earn
- Four high school credits of English Language Arts
- Four high school credits of World Language
- Intermediate-Middle Proficiency
Duel language students will test in 8th grade to earn high school credid and may qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy.