Third Grade
Student Success by Subject
To ensure all students are ready for success after high school, the Common Core State Standards establish clear, consistent guidelines for what every student should know and be able to do in math and English language arts from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Common Core focuses on developing the critical-thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills students will need to be successful.
- Routinely name and talk about our own emotions and the emotions of others
- Participate in classroom meetings or circles
- Work to understand and regulate emotions
- Read a mix of texts and stories
- Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text
- Retell stories
- Determine the lesson in a story
- Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the events
- Compare and contrast themes, settings and plots of stories
- Determine the main idea of a text
- Compare and contrast details in two texts on the same topic
- Write stories and informational and opinion pieces
- Conduct short research projects
- Learn forces and interactions: how do forces cause changes in motion?
- Environmental Stewardship: What does an orca whale need to survive and to become an adult orca?
- Weather and Climate: What is the difference between weather and climate? Why do different regions have different climates and what factors affect climate?
- Learn about and celebrate the diverse cultures of the classroom
- Learn about the First Nations of North America
- Create music using rhythm and melody
- Read and perform rhythms and melodies
- Understand use of volume while singing and
- playing instruments
- Understand use of energy levels while moving
- to music
- Demonstrate the ability to leap, jump rope, balance and transfer weight
- Demonstrate skills to maintain a healthy level of physical activity
- Develop understanding of multiplication and division strategies for numbers less than 100
- Develop understanding of fractions, especially unit fractions (fractions with a numerator of 1)
- Develop understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area
- Describe and analyze two- dimensional shapes
Tip: It’s not about speed! Research shows that memorization
is not a successful tool for helping students learn math. Associating skill with speed can be damaging to a student’s confidence in math.
Practicing Multiplication
Mid-year your child will be ready to become more fluent with multiplication facts.
Ask your child to solve real life scenarios involving multiplication and division. For example, “If there are 35 chocolates to share with 7 people, how many will each person get?”
Support Your Student’s Learning At Home
Encourage your child to read at home each day for at least 20 minutes. Your child can check out books from the school library and the King County Library.
Conversation Starters:
- Fiction stories: Ask about the story’s characters, the problems they face, and any lessons the characters learn.
- Informational text: Ask your child to teach you about the new information they are learning.
Talk with your child about preparing for their future! It’s a great time to develop skills that will support life long success.
- Encourage your child to check their backpack for the next day.
- Encourage your child to make a plan for accomplishing their weekly activities (homework, extra curricular activities).
- Encourage your child to speak to their teacher or another adult at school when they need help or do not understand something.
- Encourage your child to advocate for what they need to be successful.
Printable Guides
Due to Covid19, printable guides for 3rd grade and 6th grade are not yet available.
Every Day. On Time.
Did You Know? Missing as little as 2-3 days every month leads to 3rd- grade students falling behind in reading.
Students who maintain good attendance through all years of school:
- Achieve grade-level standard at a higher rate.
- Graduate from high school at a higher rate.
- Develop good habits that contribute to success in school and in future careers.
It takes an average of three days to catch up for each day a student is absent.
GET INVOLVED - Talk with your school principal or family liaison about how to connect and get involved with your school.
Important Times of Year
- September:
- Open House and Curriculum Night
- Attendance Awareness Month: Build the habit of good attendance early.
- November:
- Student Conferences
- Report Card Goes Home
- February:
- March:
- Report cards go home
- April:
- May:
- June:
- Report Card Goes Home